
Solid Door Underbar with Pizza Top

Durable and Versatile Underbar Fridge

Raising Standards Reducing Costs

GreenSense Features: Saving Energy and Reducing Lifetime Costs

Digital Thermostat
For accurate temperature control and built-in voltage protection.

LED Lighting
Illuminating the interior of the unit for maximum visibility.

EcoMate foam
Water-based insulation foam that is non-flammable and has zero ODP.

Choose GreenSense to improve energy efficiency and reduce lifetime costs.
To find out why being environmentally friendly is also good for the cost-conscious,
please visit www.greensenseplus.com.

Key Model Features

  1. 304 S/S Top and Internal Base
  2. LED Internal Lighting
  3. High-Efficiency Compressor
  4. Doors and Shelves Accept Industry Standard Pans and Trays
  5. Front Ventilating Condenser Unit
  6. EcoMate, Non-Flammable, Polyurethane Insulation used Throughout
  7. High-Performance Heat Exchangers for Powerful Cooling
  8. Danfoss Digital Controller for Accurate Temperature Control
  9. Lockable Castors for Ease of Use and Movement
  10. Seamless 150mm Pizza Top Extension